
  • Rethink “Even Big Girls Need Love Too”



    Reading Time: 1 minuteI’ve heard the titular phrase a lot in my life. Given the wisdom of age, I recognize at least two or three “big girls” from my past who I discounted as potential romantic partners because of the issues addressed by Rachel C Wiley in this powerful, beautiful spoken word piece. Clearly, my…

  • Instructions For A Bad Day



    Reading Time: 1 minuteA beautifully crafted short film. Bookmark it and return when life reaches out and punches you in the mouth, knocks you down and tries to keep you there. Life might be short, but there is always tomorrow. There is always the next moment. Hope endures.

  • Paul Nicklen: Tales of Ice-Bound Wonderlands

    Paul Nicklen: Tales of Ice-Bound Wonderlands

    Reading Time: 1 minuteWhen I think about the sort of storyteller I want to be, I think of Paul Nicklen. His images and words resonate with his audience because they first resonate with him. The TED talk posted above is a shining example of Nicklen’s passion driving and informing his work.

  • Editor gets $25K to cut trailer, does this instead

    Reading Time: 1 minuteThis is a wonderful reminder that most creativity comes from the heart and soul, not the brain. The mind is a tool to process and express creativity, but it is not the fountain from which it springs. Thanks to Casey Neistat for providing us all with this moment of reflection. Want to…

  • In the end, we are all pretty fucking lucky.

    Reading Time: 1 minuteFirst, just watch this film. Then, go shake the hand of a veteran or give them a hug and say “Thanks”. Then, rewatch it a few times. There are lots of little lessons on how to tell a story by connecting widely varied footage with a compelling voiceover. Then, go find another…

  • Stop. Look. Go. A Recipe For Happiness

    Reading Time: 1 minuteJust watch. I have nothing to add that Brother David Steindl-Rast does not already say. 😀

  • Be Nice



    Reading Time: 2 minutesOne comment I frequently hear is … “Wow. It takes a lot to get you mad. Don’t you have a temper?” I do. If you really know me, you have probably seen it. That has not always been the case. In my early teens, my temper was pretty out of control. There…

  • On Craft and Story



    Reading Time: 2 minutesToday, I relaunch my website with a new focus. I am a storyteller. It has taken a while for me to really own that title. Lots of twists, turns and blind alleys, but I am finally there. Have I arrived? Am I finished? No. Far from it. My training … in school,…