I remember the first time I became aware of Alex Lindsay. It was somewhere between 2000-2001 when TechTV was still going strong. Alex was a frequent guest on The Screen Savers (TSS) with Leo LaPorte and Patrick Norton. I found Alex’s segments intriguing because they usually touched on the tech of film-making. Having worked at ILM, he spoke with great authority on the subject.
Back then, I had just returned to the world of technical writing and web design & development after taking time off to write and direct a short documentary. Making that documentary was the single most fun and engaging professional experience I’d ever had and I wanted more. TSS was just the right mix of technical and creative content to scratch that itch. The show was the first thing I recorded on my first TIVO.
A lot can change in 10 years.
For starters, TSS and TechTV are both gone. Kevin Rose, once a regular contributor on TSS, is now the Founder and CEO of DIGG. Leo LaPorte launched TWiT.tv and forged a new path away from broadcast/cable television and onto the interwebs. And, starting yesterday, I began working as an intern for Alex Lindsay and the Pixel Corps (PXC).
The story of how that happened is a fun and interesting one, at least for me. At some point, I’ll share it here. But, first call is 9AM tomorrow, so I need to keep this short.
This week, we are covering NAB for Pixel Corps and TWiT.tv. I am excited about the plan for the week and the new tech we’ll be bending to our will. ;^D After wrapping NAB on Thursday, I’ll take a few days with my family before I move to San Francisco for two months to complete the rest of my internship, the first 10 days of which will be on the set of a feature film.
Yep. I am pretty darn excited.
Over the next 10-12 weeks, I’ll be blogging and, eventually video blogging, about my experiences at PXC. By documenting this experience, I hope to be of help to both PXC and future interns who are considering taking the leap. So, stay tuned.
In closing, I’d like to offer a few words of thanks.
First and foremost, thanks to my wife Kelly, my son Finn and his little brother who is on the way. While the timing of this opportunity could be better for our family, it would only be harder to do down the road. So, thanks for letting me go on this adventure and supporting me along the way. I’ll miss you when I am gone and look forward to our daily Skype sessions. I love you!
Next, thanks to all of my family and friends in Vegas … Dad, Mom, Vince, Olivia, Consuelo, Byron, Bennie & Rose … who will be helping Kelly and Finn in my absence. Thanks also to Team Neoncon (Steve, the Mikes & Will), who will keep the ship moving forward until I return.
Last, but certainly not least, thanks to Alex Lindsay for giving me this opportunity. Its unique value is not lost on me. And, to my current and future colleagues and mentors at the Pixel Corps, thanks in advance for the lessons I am sure to learn from each of you. I’ll do my best to learn quickly and not slow you down.
PS: Thanks to Gary Gannon. Were it not for you, I may not have rediscovered Alex by way of the Pixel Corps in the first place.
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